A congregation of The Church of Scotland

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind…….Love your neighbour as yourself.”
(Matthew 22: 37 & 39)

May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all

Morning Worship
at 11.00am 
All welcome.
There are refreshments and further fellowship
following the Service

Order of Service
Watch the Service Live HERE
Catch up with previous services HERE

Friday 7th March at 12.15pm
Watch the Service Live HERE

Dear Supporter, 

Many of you have been following along with the news coming out of Goma this week following the takeover of Goma by the M23 armies and, like us, will have been in a state of prayer and concern for our partners and all the project members and indeed the whole North Kivu community. 

As a result of the escalation in fighting in and around Goma, our partners Comfort Congo are facing an incredibly challenging time. Millions of people have been displaced; basic infrastructure is unstable; food supplies are running short. On top of all of this, the Central Hospital of Rusayu which is supported by Comfort Congo has been looted and damaged in the fighting, and is in no fit state to help anyone at the moment. There has also been a huge increase in the number of women being raped and ex-child soldiers are in a very vulnerable situation.

Please prayerfully consider donating to our Conflict Emergency Appeal so that we can help Comfort Congo rebuild and resupply the hospital and to support thousands of vulnerable people across the area.

Below you can find a poster for the appeal and a link to the PDF version. 

Click here to donate to Comfort International’s DRC Emergency Appeal

Thank you 

Curious about faith??

Join a series of group conversations that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith within a friendly environment.
At each Alpha session, you’ll watch a short video on a theme and then there is an opportunity within a small group
to share your thoughts and to hear what others think. You can say anything you like, or nothing at all.

Everyone’s welcome. You are invited no matter your background or beliefs. It’s free and there’s no pressure to come back.

In Cairnlea Church

The next session is on Tuesday 14th January at 7.30
For more info t. 07453359531

Open the Bible Together
 Wednesdays at 1.30pm in Cairnlea House
All welcome

Precis of previous sessions are available to watch here

Angela Wagstaff – angela.wagstaff@hotmail.co.uk
Elaine Wood – Ewood@churchofscotland.org.uk Tel: 07894728667

Have you suffered a loss, a significant change or grief in your life? Is this causing anxiety, worry or loneliness? Do you feel overwhelmed, not in control?…

Seasons for Growth is a course which helps adults to realise the impact of loss and grief on their lives and focusses on how we process and cope with this change along with helping us to realise we are not alone, and many people experience the feelings and anxieties we may be experiencing.

This course is very much about individual responses to loss and grief and does not focus on circumstances or issues which are private to your family and confidentiality is strongly emphasised and very much integral to the sessions.

If you would be interested in finding out more, or you may be interested in attending, please email either Elaine or Angela on the email addresses above.

 Interested? Intrigued? Do get in touch with the Minister.

Please get in touch…….