A congregation of The Church of Scotland

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind…….Love your neighbour as yourself.”
(Matthew 22: 37 & 39)

May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all

Morning Worship
at 11.00am 
All welcome.
There are refreshments and further fellowship
following the Service

Order of Service
Watch live here
Catch up with previous services HERE

Café Church
Sunday 26th January

Curious about faith??

Join a series of group conversations that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith within a friendly environment.
At each Alpha session, you’ll watch a short video on a theme and then there is an opportunity within a small group
to share your thoughts and to hear what others think. You can say anything you like, or nothing at all.

Everyone’s welcome. You are invited no matter your background or beliefs. It’s free and there’s no pressure to come back.

In Cairnlea Church

The next session is on Tuesday 14th January at 7.30
For more info t. 07453359531

Dear Friends,

I have been thinking again recently of Paul’s words in 2 Cor 9 – ‘Because of the proof given by this ministry, they will glorify God for your obedience to your confession of the gospel of Christ’. The chain of links from the good news of Jesus, to our confession of Christ, to our obedience to the practical ramifications of that confession, to the glorification of God, wonderfully sews together the grace of the gospel with our response and others glorifying of God because of that response. So often we receive reports from our sponsored project members in which they glorify God in this way. In one recent set of reports from the Comfort Babies project in Congo, they mentioned how the support they received helped them escape prostitution, alcoholism and a life of darkness. As one mother, Akonkwa, said, ‘Since I joined the Comfort Babies Congo project, I abandoned the life of prostitution and I began to go to church. Our future is filled with hope and success because God transformed our past and today we are integrated 100% into society. Since we are in the Comfort Babies Congo project, God appeared and continues to appear towards us through you.’  

Prayer is the key to the transformation mentioned above, which produces that hope and praise. We are in a constant struggle against the powers of darkness and your prayers are the key to the victorious Christian living in the lives of those mums and babies above. It is vital that God endues the project members with the power they need to break free from the chains of sin and hopelessness that have bound them, often for many years. That is not an easy thing and we cannot underestimate the crucial importance of prevailing prayer. Don’t give up praying, because lives are being changed and God is being glorified. Keep fighting for this. Keep praying!

Thank you, 

Callum Henderson

Comfort International

Open the Bible Together
 Wednesdays at 1.30pm in Cairnlea House
All welcome

Precis of previous sessions are available to watch here

Angela Wagstaff – angela.wagstaff@hotmail.co.uk
Elaine Wood – Ewood@churchofscotland.org.uk Tel: 07894728667

Have you suffered a loss, a significant change or grief in your life? Is this causing anxiety, worry or loneliness? Do you feel overwhelmed, not in control?…

Seasons for Growth is a course which helps adults to realise the impact of loss and grief on their lives and focusses on how we process and cope with this change along with helping us to realise we are not alone, and many people experience the feelings and anxieties we may be experiencing.

This course is very much about individual responses to loss and grief and does not focus on circumstances or issues which are private to your family and confidentiality is strongly emphasised and very much integral to the sessions.

If you would be interested in finding out more, or you may be interested in attending, please email either Elaine or Angela on the email addresses above.

 Interested? Intrigued? Do get in touch with the Minister.

Please get in touch…….