Benson Memorial Window

In this window a great Scripture subject is skillfully portrayed, viz, “Christ’s Resurrection”. The tomb was discovered to be empty by several women early on the Sunday morning following the Crucifixion. They had gone there to complete the mummification of the corpse, and included Mary Magdalene and members of Jesus’ inner circle, Salome Zebedee and Mary Alphaeus. The women encountered an angel there and the shining figure explained that Jesus had risen from the dead and was going ahead of his disciples into Galilee. The words of this angelic message appear in Latin in the tracery. Items portrayed on the window are Jesus on the Cross, the Vine and the grapes (reminding us that Christ is the “New Vine”), the Crown of Thorns and Adam and Eve with the Serpent on the fruit tree.
The window is a Memorial to Mr Peter Benson, who was an able and devoted Church-worker‘ a Member of the Committee of Management and the eldest son of one of the original Elders
Engraved on the window is the inscription: “To the Glory of our Lord and in Memory of Peter who died at Colorada Springs, U.S.A. on 13 June1908. Erected by his mother.”