Contact: Elaine Wood – Ewood@churchofscotland.org.uk Tel: 07894728667
Many people see the word grief and associate it only with immediate feelings around bereavement. However, grief shows itself in many ways extending beyond the loss of someone we have loved. It comes also around the moving on of friendships, family separations and isolation; it can be affected by illness, work or other outside activity (or it’s lack); there are issues around aging, retirements, people moving to a new house etc. Out mental and emotional wellbeing are affected and even our physical health.
Seasons for Growth is not a therapy or counselling service, it is a course which helps adults to realise the impact of these changes on their lives and focus on processing and coping with this change along with realising you are not alone, and many people experience the feelings and anxieties you may be experiencing.
This course is about individual and your response to change and loss, it does not focus on circumstances or issues which are private to your family and confidentiality is strongly emphasised and very much integral to the sessions.
If this is something you think you would like to be involved in, then please, either write to: Elaine Wood, 95 Glenwood Drive, Armadale, EH48 3RQ or email your interest to the above email address.
Please include your name, address, contact telephone number, email address and which course you wish to attend or that you wish to be notified when future events are taking place.
Kind regards
Elaine Wood